Momentous: a magazine for children— and the people who love them— that teaches truth about sex, marriage, motherhood, and masculinity
We believe delivering a beautiful bundle of family-positive content into the homes of thousands of families every single month will provide a foundation for girls (and boys!) to step into young adulthood confidently orienting their lives around what matters most: FAMILY.

Bold themes
Each issue we will address timeless and relevant themes, so that you have the tools to teach your children timeless family values before the world teaches the counterfeit.
Conversation starters
We’ll open the door for you to discuss important things with your children. Teach them definitions, concepts, and foundational truth while they are young so that they will be armed with tools as they begin to navigate the digital world that awaits them.
Hands-on activities
Our activities are designed to keep your child engaged and interested. Issues teach truth with fun stories, bright pictures, dad jokes, hands-on activities, recipes, and conversation starters.
Videos, books, and links to more
At the end of each issue we include links to fabulous videos, books, websites, and other powerful speakers where you and your children can learn more about the topics we are discussing.
Engage their
growing curiosity
It is never too young to fill their minds with all that is true, good and beautiful in this world. Momentous Magazine opens the door to learning, growth and family discussion.