OUR MISSION is to disrupt and reclaim the messaging to children—and the people who love them—about sex, men, marriage, and motherhood.
We foster a love for family!
We believe that how children feel about sex, marriage, motherhood, and fatherhood has a profound impact on the destiny of the world.
The core narrative we often hear is that men are the enemy, girls’ bodies are the enemy, and family is the enemy.
We want to turn that on its head. We want to amplify the message that
men and women are valuable,
marriage is an asset,
girls’ bodies are powerful,
and family is everything.
As the gatekeepers of sex, family, and life itself, the girls and women of the world stand in a position of momentous power.
Working with boys and men, we want them to hear that message, seize their power, choose lives of purpose, stability, challenge, and joy—and preserve the world in the process.
Who We Are
At The Invincible Family, we are FAMILYISTS. A host of modern movements, ideologies, and activists frame the family as the enemy and are working to unhinge it. The best way to resist these efforts is to become a FAMILYIST.
A FAMILYIST believes in the goodness and necessity of family and works for the preservation and flourishing of the family as the essential unit of society.
FAMILYISTS embrace family building as a bold, life-changing choice worth every effort.
As FAMILYISTS, we believe that the future is—and will always be—family.
Who We Aren’t
By empowering girls and others to see life through a FAMILYIST lens, our message is NOT that moms can never work, education is unimportant, or that every family will remain intact.
We acknowledge that not all marriages survive, motherhood isn’t a walk in the park, and that some men are scoundrels. But most men aren’t scoundrels, most marriages succeed, and most moms are glad they’re moms. (They can also be business owners, creators, and tycoons).
We believe—and the evidence shouts—that despite their sometimes epic challenges, family relationships invite us to be our best selves and that a stable family is the best launching pad for everything else in life.