• Kimberly Ells

    Founder, Board President

    KIMBERLY ELLS is an avid researcher and writer on family issues and has worked as a policy advisor for the past nine years. Kimberly has written for The Federalist, Townhall, Life Site News, The New American, The Epoch Times, MercatorNet, the Daily Signal, and other outlets. She has also spoken at venues across the country, including the United Nations. Kimberly graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English. She is married and is the mother of five children.

  • Jenifer Moss

    Executive Director

    JENIFER MOSS is passionate about child and family advocacy and deeply committed to civil society. With a degree in Family Science from BYU and an MPA from Syracuse University, she has collaborated with organizations such as American Mothers, PTA, The Red Cross, Hope for Accreta Foundation, and United Families International. Jenifer currently teaches family-related courses at BYUI. She is a wife, the mother of eight children, and a grandmother to the most adorable little girl!

  • Torrey Morrill

    Chief Operating Office

    TORREY MORRILL holds an MPA and a PhD in Family and Human Development from Utah State University. He is married to Jill Cook and is the proud father of six children. Torrey enjoys traveling, backpacking, watching his kids play sports, tending to the yard, and taking morning walks with Jill. As an Assistant Department Chair and a beloved teacher at BYUI, he is also a sought-after speaker on the importance of motherhood and fatherhood. Torrey specializes in teenage identity and addresses issues related to teenage cell phone use, social media, and digital habits.

Our beloved and imperfect families!

Family is our most important WORK, and boy do they take a lot of work. Kim, Jen, and Torrey have 18 children between them. We have changed thousands of diapers, rocked babies to sleep, cooked meals, orchestrated Saturday chores, cheered at basketball, soccer, cross country, ballroom dance, orchestra concerts and school plays. We are continually striving to strengthen our marriages, guide our children, and enjoy each moment. Kim and Jen recently became grandmothers (our first granddaughters were born a couple of weeks apart) and they are LOVING this new era of motherhood. Yes, life is good.

Family is the BEST!!

