invincible family 

T H E   F U T U R E    I S  O U R S!

Momentous Magazine

Claiming the Conversation

Our Weekly Newsletter


We are disrupting and reclaiming the messaging to children—and the people who love them—about sex, men, marriage, and motherhood.

Meet our FOUNDER- Kimberly Ells

“Mothers are the original world power…We fight hard and when it comes to our kids, we don’t give up EVER.”

Kimberly Ells, speaking on Tucker Carlson Today.

“I want to cut the legs out from under the international movement to crush the family, and I want to do it by arming mothers and fathers—arming them with the truth about their position and the weight of their power. The family deserves a ferocious defense. I intend to provide one.”

Kimberly Ells, founder of Invincible Family, Inc.

Read the Book - Save the Family -

Read the Book - Save the Family -

The Invincible Family tells the story of the family in a way it has never been told before. It is both a call to arms to defend the most essential human institution in its darkest hour and a rich source of encouragement.

mothers form and shape the world

fathers provide safety, security, and vision

where the girl goes, the world follows

As the gatekeepers of sex, family, and life itself, the girls and women of the world stand in a position of momentous power. We want them to hear that message, seize their power, choose lives of purpose, stability, challenge, and joy—and preserve the world in the process.

Strong boys create strong families!

Masculinity is not toxic. Our sons can be wise and strong, confident yet humble. They can become noble leaders and fathers driven by masculine energy they learn to harness.


  • A FAMILYIST believes in the goodness and necessity of family and works for the preservation and flourishing of the family as the essential unit of society.

    Teach your children!   We give you tools- magazines, videos, curriculum.

    Strengthen your family!   Refocus priorities and celebrate the mundane milestones of family life with our live events, party-planning, and online classes.

    Demand parental autonomy!   Expose destructive propaganda and reclaim the power that is  yours. Our weekly Substack and teen-texts links traditional values to current events.

    Live family values out loud!   It is not enough to protect your family. Supporting family-friendly speakers, media, entertainment, curriculums, and policy helps build strong homes, strong communities, and strong nations.

  • Weekly Substack Newsletter– connects family values to current events

    Monthly Magazine- begins essential conversations between youth and their parents about family, morality, and identity.

    Teen Texts- quick truth nuggets delivered directly to you and your teen throughout the week.

    Online Class- an in-depth look into who is attacking your family, why they are, and how we can stop them.

    Book- Kimberly Ells literally wrote the book on The Invincible Family: Why the global campaign to crush motherhood and fatherhood cannot win.

  • It all begins with an idea, an understanding, and a desire to protect your family! Sign our pledge and join with thousands of other families who are speaking out against the attack on our children, on marriage, and on responsible family creation. Planned Parenthood should not mean abortion. Familyists will raise the future by preparing our youth for responsible sex, committed marriage, and skillful parenting. The future is ours. It is time to claim our power.

  • We travel around the world exposing the global forces intent on indoctrinating our children, killing our babies, and disintegrating our families. We proclaim the power of mothers and fathers and urge parents everywhere to arm their children with the weapons they will need to fight back and protect their future. Join us on some of our upcoming events. Or listen to some of our past events here.

as featured on

the uncrushable power of girls

the disciplined strength of boys